Tender Response
Public Sector Tender Writer London By Tender Response
Putting Your Business Into Words in Reading, Manchester, London, Yorkshire

Vicky Poole
Director at Tender Response
Now that you've chosen a tender that you wish to respond to, the planning and strategy begins. When this is your first tender, you can feel a little overwhelmed and lost with what to do next and we understand that. Which is why we do as much of the process for you.
To keep you working in your business, we arrange time with you to review your business process and how you would service the contract. We're often speaking with clients in between jobs or when they're travelling to make the most of their travel time.
The tender pack comes with a response template that includes Form of Tender, Supplier Questionnaire and Response Questions. We help you with all of these elements.
The only response that we do not complete is the Pricing Schedule. This is something that is unique to your business and your proposed solution. We can help with the writing of any exclusions and assumptions which are often included within this section.
The assigned Tender Writer will work alongside your business and key suppliers in the production of the overall tender. We will provide insight and advise however the ultimate decision is yours and we will always follow your instruction.
How much is this going to cost me?
Like all small businesses, it's nice to know the likely cost before you set out on a job which is why we offer fixed price work. There is also no commitment for commissions should you be successful in the tender process. The entire value of the contract is yours.
Your first tender is likely to be more expensive than subsequent work as your bid library is empty and we would need to write everything from scratch. The initial Form of Tender documents can take up to 2 days to complete especially if specific references need to be sought from your client base. You can help to save time (and money) by gaining these references before a tender process begins. There is a template that can be followed for contract references, please refer to the Resources tab for more information.
Once the tender process has completed, we will also take the results and incorporate any feedback into bid library to strengthen future responses.
Read the Tender Write terms of service here.

What my clients say about me:
I really value working with all of my clients, especially when they are so passionate about their services, like Leyton Ede, MD for LIVE Experiences.
A Tender Response to your Tender Response
There are four main stages to nurturing your public sector pipeline
Frequently Asked Questions!
What if you end up spending more time on the bid?
As a fixed price service, we estimate how much time we think it will take to pull together a winning response. If we run over that time, that is our cost to bare and will not be passed onto you, the client.
What if the tender that we've seen is on a portal that we're not on?
You may be able to respond if the portal still allows for new suppliers to register. It would then be a simple process of registering your company on the new portal, and registering interest in the opportunity, then pulling together the response.
If the opportunity is on a framework, it is likely that you're not going to be able to respond if you aren't currently a supplier there. Frameworks are different to portals. Frameworks run for a period of time and they only contain compliant suppliers. Framework notices are released on portals and often receive a lot of interest from suppliers as they are for specialist services, that can only be purchased from there or another similar compliant framework.
How much is it going to cost me to respond to a tender?
The price can be as low at £1,000 if you have all of the information ready in your bid library. If this is your first tender, you can expect a charge of roughly £3,000 to £5,000 although this can vary depending on the information that you already have, the size of the overall tender and your existing contract references.
If you are price sensitive, we would encourage you to check out our Resources tab for the Tender Readiness checklist. By working through this checklist in your own time, you can save yourself some money when you submit for your first tender..
Where is your bid library information stored?
All information relating to your company and the services that you provide are held in the Cloud. We use Microsoft Office and store all of our information safely in allocated client folders. All bid library content is written from scratch for your company response and is not taken from other or previous clients.
We will hold your bid library content for you until you wish to either respond to your own bids or notify Tender Response of a cancellation of service. In which case the entire library will be transferred to a member of your business and will be removed from Tender Response within 30 days or an another agreed time period. Once the information has been removed from Tender Response, we may not be able to recover the information at a later date.
We request that our Non Disclosure Agreement is signed prior to any works commencing.
Is there anyone that you won't draft a tender response for?
Tender Response supports a wide and varied portfolio of customers. We will always have the time to resource your requirement.
However, a member of the team is a Counsellor for the West Berkshire Council so we would not assist in the tender response production for this council due to conflict of interests.
Do You Want To Find More Contracts?
With being a busy business owner, it's really hard to find the time to look for contracts and your ideal clients.
This is why Tender Response offer our Tender Finder service.
This service provides you with a list of suitable contracts that meet you business descriptions, target market in your ideal region, at an interval to suit you.
Follow Us On:
Contact Details:
20 Valley Road
Burghfield Common
Tel: 07896 909776
Email: admin@tenderresponse.co.uk